Globally the culture and creativity industries have become an increasing driving force in the international market place. Trading in ideas and innovation, the creative economy straddles economic, political, social, cultural and technological issues, not only making a significant impact on society but the economy as a whole. In South Africa the importance of the cultural and creative industries are recognised for their role in shaping the country’s identity and aspirations, but are not necessarily acknowledged for the role they play in creating viable employment opportunities and contributing to the country’s overall GDP.
Fragmentation and a lack of unity across the sectors has seen the cultural and creative industry battle for this recognition and stifled by the lack of effective strategic development, investment and support. Until now.
With the aim of creating a unifying vision for these industries, the Department of Arts and Culture under Minister Nathi Mthethwa is launching the Cultural and Creative Industries Federation of South Africa (CCIFSA). Now for the first time members of the creative and cultural industries will have a body that will represent their interests at a governmental, economic and societal level. As an independent body CCIFSA will give the cultural and creative industries decision making and bargaining power in the issues that affect them the most.
Minister Nathi Mthethwa and the Department of Arts and Culture invite all stakeholders in the cultural and creative industries, both organisations and individuals, to participate in the upcoming regional consultation workshops. These consultations are designed to inform stakeholders about CCIFSA, debate key issues and actively engage with the industry. The cultural and creative stakeholders include the following sectors: performing arts, visual arts, technical services and events, design, electronic media, crafts, publishing, cultural tourism, cultural groups, cultural heritage, ethno-tourism and arts administration.
“The Department of Arts and Culture and we the interim committee are facilitating the establishment of a unifying and independent cultural and creative industries body that will represent the industries’ interests in legislature and policy making. How this body is structured will be up to the stakeholders in all these sectors,” explains Mrs Yvonne “Chaka Chaka” Mhinga, interim committee chairperson
“We invite all South Africans to whom the culture and creative industries are important to play their role in unifying these industries for improvements in policy making, bargaining power and funding,” she continues.
The outcome and recommendations resulting from these consultations will be carried forward to the inaugural CCIFSA conference to be held on the 25 and 26 November 2014 at a venue still to be confirmed.
Regional consultation dates and venues:
Regional consultation dates and venues:
4 November 2014 – Gauteng: State Theatre – Pretoria
5 November 2014 – KZN:Playhouse – Durban
5 November 2014 – Western Cape:Baxter Theatre – Cape Town
5 November 2014 – Eastern Cape:Opera House – Port Elizabeth
5 November 2014 – Northern Cape:Mayibuye Cultural Centre
7 November 2014 – Limpopo:Jack Botes Hall
7 November 2014 – Free State:PACOFS
7 November 2014 – North West Province: Mmbabana Convention Centre
7 November 2014 – Mpumalanga:Nelspruit Convention Centre
Contact JT Communication Solutions for media enquiries, interview requests, access to high res pics etc on or (011) 788 7631/2
Issued by JT Communication Solutions on Behalf of CCIFSA