With just over a week left before the AGM, which will be held next week Friday 29 November 2013, now is the time to ensure that your voice is heard loud and clear at this very important meeting. The good news is that you can guarantee your presence is felt whether or not you are able to attend the meeting in person.

You will remember that the last two AGMs have been focussed on the long but unavoidable process of SAMRO changing from being a Company Limited by Guarantee to the Not for Profit Company (NPC) that it is today.  Next week’s AGM is the final chapter in this process.

SAMRO has already changed its status to an NPC, surely the process is over?  

It is true that SAMRO has already changed its form to an NPC. However there is one last step to the process: members must now agree on the legal document that will govern the way in which the NPC operates. 

This legal document is SAMRO’s new Memorandum of Incorporation, which replaces our existing Memorandum and Articles of Association. Besides the fact that our existing founding documents are over fifty years old and, as such, very outdated, we are forced by the Companies Act to create a new founding document that is in line with our NPC status.

What role do I, as a member, have to play in creating this new founding document (MOI)?

SAMRO’s board and management have spent a lot of time and resources seeking sound legal advice and drafting a very comprehensive MOI that does well to ensure that the benefits that you have enjoyed in the past are not threatened. The MOI has already been drafted and your only duty as a member is to read it, apply your mind and, if you are happy that it reflects the spirit and purpose of SAMRO, vote for its adoption at the 2013 SAMRO AGM next week, 29 November 2013. 

What is important is that you participate and vote!

I can’t attend the AGM, but understand that my vote is very important. What now?

Yes, your vote is indeed very important. This is the final chapter in an historic period of SAMRO’s existence and every single member’s voice counts.

If you can’t make it to the AGM, you are strongly encouraged to send a Proxy Form to ensure you are counted in this meeting. 

This is a simple process:

1. Identify a person (i.e. your proxy) to attend, speak and vote at the AGM on your behalf.

2. Complete the Proxy Form which you received with your Notice of the AGM 2013.  If you did not receive the Proxy Form or have misplaced it, urgently contact us on 0800 247 247 or  email: 24-7@samro.org.za to request another one.

3. Make sure your Proxy Form is delivered to SAMRO 24  hours before the AGM starts. In other words, your Proxy Form should arrive at SAMRO’s offices on the morning of Thursday 28 November 2013.

4. Remind your appointed proxy to bring valid identification when attending the AGM to ensure that he or she is given access to the AGM.

No one is able to attend the AGM on my behalf…but I still want to vote

If there is no one to attend the AGM on your behalf, do not despair. As long you send us your Proxy Form in time (i.e. steps 2 and 3 above), the SAMRO Board Chairman, his Deputy or the CEO will act as your proxy during the meeting, making sure that your votes, as indicated on your proxy form, are cast.

I have few questions on the MOI…what should I do?

We have held numerous meetings with members across the country with the intention of answering as many questions on the MOI as possible. We have taken into account the feedback received by the members and have made the relevant amendments where possible. As such, we are confident that the MOI reflects what the majority of members feel is the spirit and purpose of SAMRO. 

The important thing to remember is that once adopted at the AGM, the MOI can still be amended by the members where it is felt it can be improved – it is essentially a living document!

We look forward to a productive AGM and trust that you will fulfil your duty as a valued member of SAMRO by ensuring your voice and vote is counted at this important meeting.